minisession sneak peeks - cassie and gavin {fort lauderdale lifestyle photographer}

I want these photos.  I mean it, I REALLY want these photos, except with me in them and at least one of my children.  I wish I had them because they are exactly what I love.  They are carefree and real and full of love and happiness.  I actually could photograph Cassie and Gavin all day long - like a documentary of them being fun and snuggly and delicious.  What is so wonderful about Cassie is that she doesn't care if the wind is blowing her hair out of control, or if she has to lay in the grass or if she is hysterical laughing in her photos - for her, it is all about the moment.   To me, she just shines because she is beautiful inside and out, and the enormous amount of love she has for her little boy just pours out of her. Okay, I didn't realize when I sat down to write this blog post that it was going to be an ode to Cassie, but it just turned out that way!!  I hope you love your photos just as much as I do, and I can't wait to see you guys again soon.